Festivals and Events
02 "August Festival of Sfogliatella Santa Rosa" Conca dei Marini
During August in Conca dei Marini you can join the wonderful "Sagra della Sfogliatella Santa Rosa", that will represent the top of the taste for your palate, after that you have eaten a complete local dinner in one of the many restaurant of the village. The "Sfogliatella Santa Rosa", has an ancient history back in time. Stories told about an old tradition that in 1681 inside the Monastery of Santa Rosa during the feast the nuns of this place gave bread to the poor people. With the rest of the knead of bread they cook the "Sfogliatella" a tasty sweets made of layers of puff pastry shaped like a shell. Inside the puff pastry there are cream and pieces of fruit from the garden of the convent. Joining this feast it's something unique that is able to link history and unique flavour traditions.
29/30 November "Festival of St. Andrea Apostole" in Amalfi
This is one of the most important religious events for the local people and they praise their Patron Saint’s miracle with great celebrations. The procession takes the statue of the Saint through the streets of the historical area but the very suggestive moment is when the locals with the statue on shoulder climb fast 62 stairs to bring it back to the Cathedral! The celebrations will go on all night long with concerts in Piazza Duomo and an unforgettable display of fireworks will close the Feast...
01/02 July The "Madonna Santa Maria delle Grazie" Festival
In the little village of Montepertuso who is located around 400 meters above the sea level of Positano , few people lived there in the caves of the mountains that surrounded the village, they ate the food that they hunted in the nearby forests and wore their skins. One night they were awakened by very close, long and loud thunder. Having come out from their caves, they remained speechless. A bright light with a central image appeared on the 3rd mountain radiating warmth and peace to all human beings. A young girls was the first to be wrapped in this supernatural light a maternal voice, coming from the light, said: “Don’t be afraid. The devil has been defeated and his efforts against this mountain are over because I have destroyed the evil spirit. Remnants of his snake-shaped body are visible on the other side of the mountain, etched in the rock. Come, then, with me and accompany me to the mountain, where we will stay forever”. So, coming down from the mountain, everyone was illuminated by the true light in the spirit, they gathered to the new divine sign and stayed until its dwelling. Even nowadays, the outline of the cursed snake still exists in the sunken rock, so perfect that it is impossible to imitate. The mountain was ‘holed’ by the index finger of the Madonna, still visible and intact today, and from here derives the name of the village Montepertuso. Now every years on the 01st & 02nd July the community celebrate the Feast in honor of the Madonna Santa Maria dell Grazie, all the population is involved in this special event where the procession and holy mass first and classical Music will entertain for two days the village, while the fireworks show at midnight on 02nd July will be the end of this fantastic feast.
"Ravello Summer Musical Festival"
The Ravello Festival is one of the oldest and most renowned festivals in Italy. The Festival as we know it today is the outcome of a number of previous initiatives, and Girolamo Bottiglieri and Paolo Caruso were the chief architects of the annual event that led to Ravello becoming the “City of Music”. The connection between Villa Rufolo, the delightful venue made impressive and welcoming by the Scottish philanthropist Francis Neville Reid, and Richard Wagner was too alluring to pass up the idea of holding concerts in a place consecrated by the visit of the composer himself. During the 1930s the San Carlo Orchestra performed Wagner’s music in Ravello. One of these concerts was attended by the Prince and Princess of Piemonte, and to mark their visit the belvedere between Hotel Sasso and Hotel Palumbo was dedicated to the princess. Something of this spirit remained in the air, and twenty years later Paolo Caruso conceived the bold idea of moving the musical performances from the main square straight to the splendid terrace of Villa Rufolo, on a stage built out over the sea. With the suport of the Provincial Tourist Board, headed by Girolamo Bottiglieri, the idea became reality on the 70th anniversary of Wagner’s death. In the summer of 1953 the first of the “Wagnerian concerts in Klingsor Garden” (as they were styled in the programme) were performed by the San Carlo Orchestra, under the baton of Hermann Scherchen and William Steinberg. For many years Richard Wagner was the Festival’s presiding genius, and his music is still at the core of each year’s programme today.
26th July "Festival in honor of San Pantaleone" in Ravello
Like all the other little villages of the Amalfitan Coast, the feast linked to the Patron of the village is a unique celebration impossible to miss. The link between religion and citizens is powerful and the union between joy and prayer is an ancient link and impossible to dissolve, the perfect opportunity to find a bit of spirituality inside difficult times like ours. This is the time to celebrate the "dies natalis" of the martyr taumaturgo Pantaleone da Nicomedia, obviously the remains of the Saint are inside the main church of the village. Ancient symphonies the day before the event and the solemnity of the main day when all the people will celebrate the Saint. All these moments are unbelievable for the citizens and also for all the visitors, an event that link religious secular tradition and actual life of the suburb. The "Vespri" and the exposition of the statue are the main moments of these days all summertime...
04 September "Fiordo di Furore Red Bull International Diving" contest
Mediterranean cup high diving championship» this is the diving contest from big heights that every year runs from the fjord of Furore. The contest runs from the landing place 28m high on the sea and most of the world diving champions join this event. In 2010 Tania Cagnotto an Italian Champions was the special guest of the contest giving to this event a bright spot. Tania Cagnotto was 2 times on the podium in 2009 World Contest in Rome and in 2010 was godmother of the event organized by Oreste Varese and the 30 Nodi society. Tania dove from an 8 meters platform over the sea, getting plenty of applause from the local crowd on the beach.
13 July & 05 and 27 November "Santa Trofimena Festival" at Minori
People of Minori always care about their ancient religious roots that have characterized their history since the origin. Among the others one of the most important is the veneration of S.Trifomena since the VI century when the Saint remains arrived in Minori pushing the population form the hills to the Coast. There are 5 feast about the Saint during the year: Monday in Albis, 13th of July, 5 and 27 November, and on December the 10th. The feast of the 13th of July it's an important date for the people of the village, light, music, vivid colours and a lot of mirth. The celebrations started 1 month before on the 22th of June when during the night in front of the cathedral, a big portrait of the Saint and her imagine projected on Minori is put on stage in the main square. The most important days of the celebrations are the 12th and 13th of July. During the first day there is the official memories of the men that lost their life during the war, the ceremony is made by plenty of laurel crowns lay down on the monuments to the dead and with the crowns throws into the sea. The next day all the citizen will be woke up by the sound of the bells and the fire works from the hills all around and by the music of the local band, While in the evening there are the Mass and the procession through the streets of the village. Waiting for the midnight when an amazing fire show will light the water of the sea.
16th of July "Madonna del Carmelo Festival" in Nocelle
In this tiny little village up on the hill of Positano about 500 meters above sea level and where the population is not more that around 150 people every years the 16th of July is celebrating the “SOLEMNITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARIA, QUEEN AND GLORY OF MOUNT CARMELO” The musical band will perform along the roads in Positano, then reaching the small village of Nocelle , where the holy mass is celebrated on the church yard from the local priest, after the mass the suggestive procession with the worshiped Statue of the Madonna which is carried from the young people of Nocelle along the streets , an entertainment show which is always different from the previous years and that it'll performed in the suggestive panoramic square with the background of Positano by night, A fireworks show organized by the local Comitato Festa started at 23:30p.m will end this magical feast of this tiny villages .
30 July to 04 August the "Luminaria San Domenico" Festival in Praiano
The "Luminaria di San Domenico" it's a rich ancient historical and cultural tradition of Praiano. Since the 1st until the 4th of August, every year at the convent of Santa Maria a Castro, where San Domenico is venerated, this devotion is pass by hand to hand since 1606, since the coming of the "Frati Domenicani della Sanitita’ di Napoli". An ancient tradition lost in time, ancient like the same suburb that celebrate this event every year, the citizens and the visitors will see another enchanted tradition of the Amalfitan Coast. The lights and fire show in honour of the Saint, which is venerated in the convent of Santa Maria a Castro is extraordinary, like the path called "Sentiero degli Dei" that will bring you to the convent surrounded by wilderness and spectacular nature, unforgettable aromas and perfumes from the trees around that will give you emotions lost into an old time that is no more. During these days of celebration all the village is lights by candles, thousands of lights that give to the suburb a new shape, when the sun going down fires and little candles are the main lights of this place. You can enjoy the astonishing charm of the little alleys and the ancient squares surrounded by mystical lights inside an environment where the time seems stopped. San Gennaro square with its majolica floor is one of the most suggestive place to visit and with the illuminations of the candles the atmosphere become magic.
24 & 25 August "Atrani Blue Fish Festival"
This is a traditional summer gastronomical appointment of the Coastal suburb well known for the fishing and the catering. It's a decennial tradition and it will start from the 24 to the 25th of August. The name of the event is "LE GIORNATE DEL PESCE AZZURRO". This is part of the event called "A TUTTO TONNO", that runs since 1992. The most important things is the "Pesce Azzurro" (blue fish), in particular the anchovies which is the most important product for this land on the Coast, well known for its environmental beauties, for the fishing and for its traditions (among all the others for the "colatura" of the Anchovies of Cetara). The gastronomic festival is time for remember the work of the fishermen, the many little ones and the other (almost 2000) that are committed to the fishing of the red tuna of the Mediterranean. This market is in strong crisis bringing social problems also to the public opinion and to the institutions.The event has organized by the Cetara Town Hall with the collaboration of many local associations (Pro Loco, Associaizone Amici delle Alici, and restaurateur), with the help of Regione Campania ("costiera dei Fiori" program), the Camera di Commercio and important private companies (Antonio Amato, Pancrazio Spa). At the docks of the port, the blue fish is the main character of the gastronomic nights, hosted by local restaurateur (Al Convento, La Cianciola, San Pietro, Acquapazza): every night, from the tunny-fishing boats at the docks, one of the restaurateur propose blue fish meals exploring "past and future of the marine cuisine". The gastronomic stands will be opened from 20:30 on the docks of the port of Cetara that will represent the main setting of the event. Inside this event there are many useful activity to promote the local products (anchovies, tuna, "colatura" of anchovies, lemon, limoncello, wine, oil), using the stands area to promote and sell the local products.
14 & 15 August "Santa Maria Assunta Festival" in Positano
According to local legend, around the year 1000 A.D. the icon had been stolen from Byzantium and was being transported by Saracen pirates across the Mediterranean when a terrible storm came up. Suddenly the frightened sailors heard a voice on board commanding "Posa, posa!" ("Put down! Put down!"). The precious icon was unloaded and carried to the nearest fishing village. With that the storm abated and it was clear to all that it was the Madonna’s will to remain here. Ever since then the village was called Positano in remembrance of the Virgin’s command. The festivities begin a week before August 15th , the feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven, and last for another week after. The high point is a procession of the sacred image by boat on the sea and on land, streets are all illuminated of colorful lights to make this suggestive festivals very particularly , the fireworks show at midnight on 15th July will be the end of the Feast at pearl of the entire Amalfi Coast ....
Vietri sul Mare Festival of "Fungo Porcino (Mushroom)"
Welcome to one of the most enchanted place of the Amalfitan Coast, like all the villages around there are many festivals in this place in order to celebrate the local products and the religious festivities. In this case we are talking about one of the most succulent product of the Italian peninsula, during the period of the "Festa del Porcino" nobody stop to eat this delicious mushrooms. Finally, the visitors that are not used to eat this product daily, will enjoy the extraordinary flavors of this mushroom. Vietri sul Mare offers this opportunity to all the people who wants to join this splendid festival. During the 3 days that normally formed the festival you can feel flavors, strong aromas that leave the visitors with the mouth-watering, lights and sounds,that surrounding the people, flying around the alleys of this wonderful village. It's possible to eat many different meals, wines and liquors mixed with the local groups music in the wilderness of this open space tasting the fragrance of the Amalfitan Coast. Enchanted landscapes, that surround this ancient places lost in time, will be a touch of welfare for everybody, far away from the noises of the city and the daily jobs. The people of Vetri sul Mare will show their hospitality asking nothing back.
August Maiori’s "Festival of Chocolate Eggplants"
This is an eno-gastronomic event made of eggplants meals, the queen of the manifestation is the "chocolate eggplant", an ancient meal born in Maiori around '900. Speaking in the local dialect this meal is called "mulegnane c'a' ciucculata". The "mulegnane ciucculata" are a really baking speciality on this land, the fragrance of eggplant linked to the sweetness of the chocolate. During the event, which is arrived to the 7th edition in Vecite in the main square, tons of coloured stands show these fresh local products. Each stand has a particular feature: someone cooked the eggplant roasted, some others fried in huge pot, some others show different menu from which is possible to choose, all based on eggplants meals. All these meals well matched by local wine, music and popular dance.
"Scala met New York"
Scala incontra New York” is a reality that bright all the Amalfitan Coast. Plenty of events through the memories hoping to built new paths for the future, conscious of the past but with the foot into the present time with a look to the near future. The manifestation was created by Silvio Amelio around the terrible fact of the 11th September 2001, in memory of those victims in New York. Now, it's an important event that took place in the Town Hall Square. Andrea Bocelli join this event in 2010 offering to the crowd of the divine Coast an unforgettable night!
August "Sunset to Live Tramonti"
Welcome to Tramonti, between wine yards and flavours, a long happening during August giving value to the local products, tasting the flavors of the amazing grapes, local cheese products and obviously the triumph of the pizza. The lords of the wine of this land celebrate the harvest of the entire Amalfitan Coast during this season. The journey through the wine yards and the flavors of Tramonti, develop their itinerary along few of the 13 fractions of the village. Inside these villages is possible to find typical products all around, starting from the local doc wines made from the secular wine yard called Tintore, the "fior di latte" and anso the goat's cheese. The festival begins with the Gastronomical event of Corsano, after that the Square Festival with plenty of pizza makers which have pizzerias all around Italy (about 3000), helping to developing the big success of this Italian product. Thanks to these pizza makers that many years ago emigrated to many countries this local handmade product has spread around the world becoming a commercial business. The appointments of "Tramonti da Vivere" are: Enogastronomic Festival, Pizza Festival, "Calici di Stelle" (chalices of stars), "Festa del Fior di Latte" and "Borgo da Favola". The paths through flavours and meanings of the Amalfitan Coast continue with "Calici di Stelle", the main event organized with the collaboration of Regione Campania and the Stapa Caprica from Salerno. This event is more than a local products exposition for fine tastes, these products are able to wake up the sleeping desire of really good things. Inside the Convent of San Francesco there is the feast of the falling stars and tastes, where local products realized by the local agricultural farm (sausages, "fior di latte" and ovine and goat's cheese), restaurants, bakeries and artisan from Tramonti are exposed. The festival continue into the suburb of Gete, working fraction of Tramonti where is concentrated the majority of the production of the Tintore's grapes. Amazing red berries are the fruits of this splendid plants. The target is to elate the organoleptic quality of the Tintore products, one of the most ancient wine yard of the Campania. Also Gete has its amazing typical products between the secular wine yards and enchanted tracks climbing up the cultivation terraces. Another important event in the Festival of "Fior di Latte" in Campionola in order to discover another splendid path of the taste. The tradition of the milk and its deviates is spread on these wonderful lands around the hills of Tramonti. From Cesarano to Campinola, from Capitignato to Gete where the weaving factory still uses the traditional methods. The last appointment is Borgo da Favola an extraordinary religious and enogastronomic itinerary enriched by the presence of many little street.
September "Gusta Minori Gourmet Festival"
For the last 13 years, Minori has been at the centre of attention, not only for its wonderful scenery, its evocative monuments, but also because of the media attention about an event which directly involves one of the most important aspects of life in this community: food. It is a spectacular event, which is held every year and lasts a whole week. It relives the flavors of the very foundations of the culture of food in this town, and, in a way the entire Amalfi Coast. The event, Gusta Minori (A Taste of Minori), is a real blend of art, culture, theater and cuisine. It promotes local produce using music and shows with original works. The success of previous editions of this event means that Gusta Minori, with its perfect blend of music, theatre, and local food, which recreates the historical development of the area, have been supported by local authorities. Their input has been fundamental in the continued success of this initiative; The Region of Campagna, The Province of Salerno, The Chamber of Commerce, The Council of Minori, and the Society for the Protection of the Lattari Mountains have all contributed to the success of Gusta Minori. Furthermore, the Gusta Minori Corporation has collaborated with other cultural organizations such as, The Putigniano Carneval Foundation, The Pasta of Gragnano Consortium, The National Association of Castagno, The Giffoni Film Festival. The "City of Taste", as Minori declared itself to be on the 9th of June 2002, in the presence of Nobel prize winner Dereck Walcott, who, on that occasion was awarded honorary citizenship, is about art, folklore, scenery, a whole series of events, that can be a true theme for any vacation in this town. Visitors can feed their eyes and mind, they can discover mind blowing foods, wine, provided by people who really understand how to spoil their guests.
19th September "Feast of San Gennaro" Praiano
On the 19th of September and the first Sunday of May there is the celebration of San Gennaro patron of Napoli. During the ceremony there will be the miracle of the "liquefazione del sangue" (liquefaction of blood) of San Gennaro. In Praiano, precisely in Vettica always remember the miracle of the Saint during the procession through the streets of the village where there is always a huge crowd of devotees, ecclesiastic and civil authorities. After the solemn procession, there will be an impressive fire show in order to disclose the Saint celebrations.
16 to 18th October "San Luca Festival" in Praiano
The 18th of October and the first Sunday of July there is the celebration of San Luca Evangelista. The procession going through the main street of the village in order to get near the church of San Tommaso, in a place called "moressa" and come back to the church. The silver half body of San Luca made by a silver artisan it's a unique piece of art dated back to 1696. Coming back from the procession to San Luca Square, there will be an amazing fire show and local concerts.
15/16 & 22/23 October Scala Chestnut Festivals
During October in this splendid and tiny village of the Amalfitan coast there is the annual festival of the chestnuts, a moment that links tradition and present like gastronomy and willing of joy. The tradition is old, the festival runs since 35 years and also the target to give value to the local amazing products. The event tries to promote the tourism in this place during autumn/winter season. For who has never came to Scala, it will be impossible to miss the "Palio delle Contrade", an ancient tradition where the 6 part of the village challenge each other in classic games of the tradition like: "strummolo", "cerchio", "trocinello", the donkey race and the tug of war. It's possible to taste the delicious meals during the events and also Kings or emperors or everybody that pass by will be glad to join a table full of these precious meals watching these very particular challenges...
29/30 November "Festival of St. Andrea Apostole" in Amalfi
This is one of the most important religious events for the local people and they praise their Patron Saint’s miracle with great celebrations. The procession takes the statue of the Saint through the streets of the historical area but the very suggestive moment is when the locals with the statue on shoulder climb fast 62 stairs to bring it back to the Cathedral! The celebrations will go on all night long with concerts in Piazza Duomo and an unforgettable display of fireworks will close the Feast...